ArtSeed is Dedicated to Discussing and Acting for Movements of Social Justice such as Black Lives Matter through Our Art

“Dear ArtSeed Friends,
Josefa Vaughan, Executive Director, ArtSeed
Feeling limp and speechless as I simply tried to carry on as usual since Memorial Day, I am now heartened by seeing emails from our sister arts organizations who have spoken out in the last couple of days. Let’s join them! To honor George Floyd and to show up against brutality everywhere, I have asked all of my closest associates to send me their drawings, paintings, and photographs of flowers to share in solidarity. ArtSeed’s message will join many others in the chorus of support for the most vulnerable among us now at this critical time.”
“We want to take a moment to speak about the tragedy of what has happened to George Floyd, Ahmaud Arbery, Breonna Taylor, Christian Cooper, and too many others, that is all-encompassing our country right now. To our Black community, we recognize your feelings of frustration, fatigue, and pain over the many injustices you face every single day. The color of your skin should never reflect on how you should be treated in any society. Any act of injustice to a Black American should be a wake-up call to all Americans. One country, indivisible, for all. We should have each other’s backs. We are reaching out to all our friends, artists, families, supporters, and followers to come together against this virus of racism. We can all do better, to speak up, to be part of the solution. Silence is complicity. Let your voices be heard, let your art be seen. Let us work as one to unite everyone towards the same purpose. Let us work together as one people, and not scattered to the wind. Open your hearts and let out the love for all human life.”
Jennifer Spencer, Office Manager, ArtSeed
“Those of us who are rich
Dan Evenhouse, Director of Community-Based Services, VAMC, ArtSeed Veterans Partner
Those of us who are poor
Those of us who are LGBTQ
Those of us who are straight
Those of us who are Military or Veterans
Those of us who have not served in the Military
Those of us who are educated
Those of us who cannot read or write
Those of us who live in fine homes
Those of us who are homeless
Those of us in the cities
Those of us in the country
Those of us who are police
Those of us who are chased by police
Those of us who are black, brown, red, yellow and white
Those us who were born in America
Those of us who were born outside of America
We stand and kneel with the family of George Floyd and against the dark forces of hate in this country
Against the assumption that one person is allowed to murder another person just because of the color of his skin
Against the assumption that a badge is a license to act out prejudice
Against the 400+ years of slavery and its consequences
Against the unthinking acceptance of institutionalized racism
Join me in presenting my condolences to the family of George Floyd and the thousands of people of all ethnicities, creeds, orientations, professions, and personalities who have been re-traumatized by this most recent example of brutality. Let us not allow his death and the pain of his family to be in vain. Let us pledge ourselves to never again allow this kind of hate to go unchecked, at least in our country. The above words are written as partial fulfillment of the call to action that I believe these events demand. Join me in adding your words, pictures, other artwork to be sent to the family and made public so that no one affected by these events has to suffer alone and in silence.”

“As an organization that champions the equal opportunity for all artists to thrive, we have a duty to stand with our constituents that are People of Color. In order to advocate for all to feel empowered to express their full creativity, we support the elimination of any form of oppression, inequality, systemic racism, and brutality. As individuals, we have a duty to stand in unity with our Brothers and Sisters of Color. We are calling on you – our collectors, patrons, artists, supporters, followers, friends, and family – to stand with us to speak out against racism, injustice, and hate. Together, we have the power to support positive change with our time, finances, voices, and creativity.”
Find Out How You Can Help
We wish to pose the same question as our sister arts organization, Museum of the African Diaspora (MOAD); “Right now, we yield the floor to you: What do you need right now? How can we support you? We encourage you to share your thoughts, to share your pain, and to make your voices heard.”
Organizations and Initiatives that You Can Support:
- Black Earth Farms: Venmo, Cash App
- American Civil Liberties Union
- National Association for the Advancement of Colored People (NAACP)
- Donate to a black-owned bookstore: Marcus Books
- Southern Poverty Law Center
Information Resources:
- Campaign Zero
- Understand your rights! Write this hotline number on your arm in permanent marker if you go to protests; (415) 285-1041 from the SF Bay Area National Lawyers Guild
- ‘Raising White Kids’ Author On How White Parents Can Talk About Race
- Safe Space Radio: Tips and Strategies
- 100 Race-Conscious Things You Can Say to Your Child to Advance Racial Justice
- Talking to Kids about Racism and Justice – Oakland Library
- Robin DiAngelo’s book White Fragility and more
- ADL Talking with the family: George Floyd, Racism and Law Enforcement
- ADL Book of the Month
- ADL Middle School Lessons Through the Lens of Diversity, Bias, and Social Justice
- The 1619 Project: A New Origin Story by Nikole-Hannah-Jones