”12 Annual Art-A-Thon 2020”
”April 25, 2020 – Schedule”
”[[Online Art-a-thon Invitation with Registration Form Link]]”
Introduction | 10:00 AM – 10:30 AM
[[“Bodies and Antibodies” with Josefa]] | 10:30 AM – 11:30 AM
[[“Scented Sock Buddies” with Dina]] | 11:30 AM – 12:30 PM
[[“Earth Day is Every Day” Pencil Drawing with Betzy]] | 12:30 PM – 1:30 PM
Open Mic / Art-Sharing | 1:30 PM – 2:30 PM
[[“Non-Linear Writing” with Aber]] | 2:30 PM – 3:00 PM
[[“Photo Sharing” with Trey]] | 3:00 PM – 3:30 PM
[[“Petals of Humanity” with Bailey]] | 3:30 PM – 4:30 PM
[[“Collaborative Tree” with Saloni]] | 4:30 PM – 5:30 PM
[[“Monochromatic Drawing” with Selina]] | 5:30 PM – 6:30 PM
Open Mic / Acknowledgements | 6:30 PM – 7:00 PM
Prizes / Announcements | 7:00 PM – 8:00 PM
^^*Times are in Pacific Time*^^””Bodies and Antibodies” with Josefa”
”Artist(s):” Josefa Vaughan
”Materials/Prep:” Spare household paper and pencil, clothing you don’t mind experimenting with like bras, t-shirts, or britches; scissors, needle and thread.
”Introduction/Goals:” Many folks are trying to find ways to stay in shape and/or get their bodies into healthy shape while having to remain indoors most of the time. When we venture outside, it is now recommended that everyone wear home-made coverings over our nose, mouth, (and eyes too, when possible). These types of coverings can’t protect the wearer as much as they can keep the wearer’s potentially contagious droplets from drifting far enough to infect others. So I see them as a really beautiful gesture on the part of the wearer to both acknowledge the current dire reality and also a generous gift to one’s neighbors, showing a desire to protect others from ourselves. We have all been asked by the experts to assume that we each have the virus (even those tested negative could have since being tested, be exposed again). The goal of this project, then, is to draw some part of your body (as if it were a sewing pattern) that you wish to protect or heal (or sketch a whole figure). Then transform a piece of old clothing to use as a covering, especially as it can work to contain your facial orifices’ expiration of potentially virus carrying particles or as they shield others from your sweat droplets and express your readiness to comply with best practices as you exercise outdoors.
”Activity:” Draw a body part or full figure as a healing/ readiness plan or pattern from which you will construct a “body guard antibody” piece of headdress or shirt to contain possibly infected droplets that can emanate invisibly but dangerously from your person affecting other persons within an unknown but considerable range from yourself. If there is time or you have the inclination, write slogans to paint on your shirt or headdress, and/or press your wet painting and slogan onto your most visible window for passersby to attend to and enjoy.
”Challenges:” Try to make somethings both whimsical and practical that can be shared with strangers who need to wake up to their responsibility for managing this moment in a way that benefits others and that they will look back on and be proud of! “Show Regard, Wear Your Face Guard, & Stay 6 Feet Away from Your Neighbor. Don’t be an Oblivious, Virus-Spraying, Personal-Safety-Bubble-Burster!”
”An Artist Team I Admire:” Christo and Jeanne-Claude (who is the Anonymous Unicorn here on this doc? Heehee!)
[[Back->Main Page]]””Scented Sock Buddies” with Dina”
**Artist(s):** Dina Kharag
**Materials/Prep:** old sock, rice, scented oils, glue, fabrics/scraps, needle thread
**Introduction/Goals:** Make a new buddy that smells good (promotes self-care)
Step 1: Find an old sock (long tubular, knee high recommended but they can be any size).
Step 2: If you want to decorate your sock, you can use whatever you want, but make sure you use materials that are microwave safe.
Step 3: Add dry rice inside your sock to halfway or three-fourths of the way inside the sock. Try to do this over a sink because the rice can get everywhere.
Step 4: Add 15 drops of your favorite scented oils into the sock. It’s normal for the sock to smell strong but the smell will go down in a day or two.
Step 5: Use needle and thread to sew the end of the end. Now you’re sock buddy is done!
Bonus Step 6: For some nice aromatherapy, you can microwave your buddy for 15 to 20 seconds. Depending on the power of your microwave you can add more seconds or possibly do a minute.
**Activity:** In this activity, we are promoting our lonely socks as a tool for self-soothing practices.
[[Back->Main Page]]””Collaborative Tree” with Saloni”
”Artist(s):” Saloni
”Materials/Prep:” Leaves template, any art materials available, drawing tablet
”Introduction/Goals:” Print out the leaves template and draw on the leaves, or download it and use illustrating software to create your illustrations digitally.
”Activity:” Create as many leaves as you’d like following the topics below. Send the completed leaves to us, then watch the formation of the completed artseed tree.
”Challenges:” Illustrate : How do you care for the environment?
How are you staying safe during covid 19?
How has the coid 19 pandemic had an effect on the environment?
[[Back->Main Page]]””Petals of Humanity” with Bailey”
”Artist(s):” Bailey Drenik
”Materials/Prep:” Flower petal template, scissors, any art materials available or drawing tablet
”Introduction/Goals:” Print or download the petal template, and draw what you want on the petal. Then send in a scanned version of your petal, so we can make them into full flowers.
Activity: Create as many petals as you wish, so we can make a full flower
[[Back->Main Page]]**”Earth Day is Every Day” Pencil Drawing with Betzy**
”Artist(s):” Betzabe Moreno (Betzy)
”Materials/Prep:” Any material available – marker paper, pencil, graphite, colored pencils
”Introduction/Goals:” Raise awareness of the damage done to Mother Earth.
”Activity:” Pencil Drawing – encouraging participants to draw their favorite endangered animal in a natural habitat
”Challenges:” Inviting participants to join ecological movements by starting at home recycling and using eco-friendly products.
”An Artist I admire:” Leonardo da Vinci
[[Back->Main Page]]**Photo Sharing with Trey**
Information pending.
[[Back->Main Page]]**”Monochromatic Drawing” with Selina**
”Artist(s):” Selina Lee
”Materials/Prep:” Paper (prefer journals) and drawing medium (pencil, pen, charcoal, etc)
”Introduction/Goals:” “Art does not reflect what is seen, rather it makes the hidden visible.”
[[Back->Main Page]]**Non-Linear Writing with Aber**
**Artist(s):** Aberswyth van Bueren
**Materials/Prep:** Twine (free non-linear writing program, downloadable here: https://twinery.org/)
**Introduction/Goals:** Here we teach the basics of non-linear writing. Many people associate this form of writing with “choose-your-own-adventure” stories in which a passage of writing gives you multiple choices on where to go next. RPG or story-based games often use this form of writing; the choices you make can affect the outcome of the story. However, non-linear writing is also used on every-day websites such as Wikipedia through hyperlinks that lead to different websites or articles. In fact, this writing style is one of the foundations of the internet. At this time, people are more connected than ever through the internet because of COVID-19. Let’s make art that can foster this connection through our writing.
**Activity:** For this activity we will focus on learning how to write passages on Twine and link them to other passages.
**Challenges:** Think of different types of writing that use a non-linear style. Do you wish to create an informative page? Do you want to try a choose-your-own-adventure story? Do you want to build a world? There are countless ways to use non-linear writing.
[[Back->Main Page]]
”Online Art-a-thon Invitation”
Participate Online! It’s As Easy as 1 & 2!
<div>1) Fill out the <a href=”https://forms.gle/nvMzjwCQ9e9JGE549″ target=”_blank” rel=”noopener noreferrer” shape=”rect”>registration form</a>.</div>
2) Look for your follow-up email with the link to the online meeting
Now you are ready to join us at the Art-a-thon on the 25th.