Benefactors 2025

Since 2000 ArtSeed has received valuable gifts of money, time, expertise, in-kind goods, professional services and patient inspiration from people in almost every walk of life. More recently we have also attracted the generosity of several funding agencies. We are very grateful for all these various kinds of support. Please let us know if there is someone we should add to this list or if you prefer your name or the level of your contribution to remain anonymous.

**Please note: 2025 donations are being processed and will be added as soon as they come in.**

Precious Pines ($20,000 or more):

Celestial Cedars ($10,000 to $19,999):

Spectacular Sequoias ($5,000 to $9,999): Tina A. Cervin

Courageous Cottonwoods ($1,000 to $4,999): Tony and Caroline Grant

Sacred Cypresses ($500 to $999):

Magical Manzanitas ($100 to $499): China Brotsky & Daniel Roth

Amazing Acorns ($99 or less): John Beech, Wanda Hansen, Gae Shulman, Betsy Shafer

Donations in Support of, or to Honor:

Pro Bono/In-kind Donors:

Core Volunteers: 

Youth Council: 

Board of Directors: Edna Arterberry, William “Bill” Bicknell, Kevin Quan, Josefa Vaughan

Advisory Board: Charles Boone, Matthew Boriskin, Annette Brinton, Tony Grant, Sabine Gysens, Jeff Hastings, Marissa Kunz & Peter Mann, Bryant Lui, Arwen Vaughan, Ann Wettrich

Apprentices & Interns:

Core Veteran Participants: Daniel Evenhouse, Thomas Peter Graves, Thor Hansen, Brent Rowden, David Stokes, Janet Walker

Core Staff: Josefa Vaughan, Founder, Executive and Artistic Director, Lead Artist, Summer Intensive;

Teaching Artists & Guest Presenters

Partnerships: Tides Inc./Tides Converge, The Point Studios at Hunters Point Shipyard, California Lawyers for the Arts, Budding Artist Foundation, BATS Improv, Waypoint Wealth Partners, San Francisco Department of Veteran Affairs, LifeSpheres (formerly Ardicare Foundation), Think Round, Inc.