Art-a-thon Exhibition Opening Reception
Wednesday, June 1, 5-7 p.m.

5-6 pm: keyboardist Chili Corder and vocalist King David; 6-6:30 pm: French Hornist William Klingelhoffer and cellist Jill Brindel.

Happy springing into summer!
By popular demand, the Art-a-thon has been extended into ArtSeed’s summer season! You can dedicate your gift to someone (and we can let them know!) by placing their name and/or contact info in the memo section of your check, (payable to ArtSeed, to P.O. Box 29277, San Francisco, CA 94129) Is online giving more your style? Then click the homepage “Donate” icon. Are you using your phone to sponsor someone? Before your transaction, click “View Desktop Version” and then look for the “Special Purpose” prompt. Meanwhile, please enjoy our drawings above: Luned’s loving octopus and dancing dragon plus my rendering of our growing ArtSeed family.
– Grateful Hugs from ArtSeed’s Founder, Josefa Vaughan
Read more or click here for a PDF version.

Help fundraise and make art supporting ArtSeed’s Summer Camp Season!
Make a difference in the life of an artist, a veteran, or a child.
Donate here or click the icon above.
Checks payable to ArtSeed are also welcome at
P.O. Box 29277, San Francisco, CA 94129.
Working on your planned giving? Let’s make a future together!
ArtSeed is a non-profit tax-exempt fine arts/youth leadership organization under Internal Revenue Code 501(c)(3) and Revenue and Tax Code 27301d. Your charitable contribution to ArtSeed, made without expectation of material benefit, therefore is tax-deductible to the full extent of the law. Retain this IRS Determination Letter, if needed, for your records.

2nd place winner Luned Palmer & daughter in Brooklyn, NY; Itzel with her ArtSeed Painting kit in Vallejo, CA!
ArtSeed participants and featured artists are also showcased in the
Michelle Vignes Virtual Gallery.

Weekly Focus Groups:
- Saturday, 2 – 4 p.m. In-person Art-a-thon and Peer Mentorships.
- Tuesday, 2 – 4 p.m. In-person mentorships; 4 – 5 p.m. Online Projects, Show-and-Tell, and Art Prompts
- Friday, 1 – 2 p.m. Veterans’ Art Lab with ArtSeed hosted by the Veteran’s Administration. To register, contact Dan at 415-221-4810 X22839.
Other dates and times are possible. Contact, or call or text 415-656-9849 to make an appointment for Virtual Gatherings, Remote Learning, and Art-making Together!
Want Further Involvement?
- Volunteer with ArtSeed
- Apply for private instruction (Application Form with Fee Schedule)
- Apply for collaborative art-making (Registration Form for All Ages)
- Visit our Michelle Vignes Virtual Gallery
- Give us your feedback on ArtSeed programs here
- Follow ArtSeed on Facebook, Instagram, and Flickr
- Support ArtSeed’s Shop & Share Project
- Honor a friend or commemorate a milestone: See how in our 2021 Annual Letter
- Subscribe here to receive seasonal ArtSeed Newsletters (Infrequent and your Info is Safe)
- Help ArtSeed reach out to vulnerable artists and families by donating through Network for Good here.
- Submit a Teaching Artist or Presenter’s Packet Guidelines
- Examples of Artist and Presenter’s Packets
- Submit your art for exhibition, send us a photograph with this completed form
- Apply for ArtSeed’s Youth Council here
- Sign up for ArtSeed’s 2022 Fine Arts Summer Intensive Camp and share the flyer
Forward these URLs to a Friend!
Volunteer with ArtSeed:
Apply for private instruction (Application Form with Fee Schedule):
Apply for collaborative art-making (Registration Form for All Ages):
Visit Michelle Vignes Virtual Art Gallery:
Give us your feedback on ArtSeed programs here:
Follow ArtSeed on Facebook:
Follow ArtSeed on Instagram:
Check out photos of the ArtSeed’s activities at ArtSeed’s Flickr page:
Support ArtSeed’s Shop & Share Project:
Honor a friend or commemorate a milestone:
Subscribe here to receive seasonal ArtSeed Newsletters (Infrequent and your Info is Safe):
Help ArtSeed reach out to vulnerable artists and families by donating through Network for Good:
Submit a Teaching Artist or Presenter’s Packet (Guidelines):
Examples of Artist and Presenter’s Packets:
Exhibition Submission Form:
Apply to Youth Council:
Sign up for ArtSeed’s 2022 Fine Arts Summer Intensive Camp:
Share ArtSeed’s Fine Arts Summer Camp Flyer:
Check out ArtSeed’s Shop & Share Project
Sara Kumar, Teaching Artist

Bio: Sara Kumar has a B.S. in Electrical Engineering from Rice University and an M.A. in Faith and Culture from the University of St. Thomas. She has a passion for the performing arts and served as the managing director and later the artistic director of Shunya Theatre in Houston, TX.
Click here to read more and check out Sara’s packet.