Gallery Room 5: Featured Artists’ Works – Michelle Vignes and More!
Remote Volunteer Work Sessions and Art Lessons! To join our Tuesday Lessons: 4-5 pmOnline gatherings by appointment please contactJosefa Vaughan 415-656-9849. The In Real Life (IRL) exhibition component of the show is open by appointment at China Brotsky & Seed Gallery, Tides Converge, 1007 General Kennedy Ave., Presidio, San Francisco ArtSeed In-Person Policy 2020 (for Covid-19)
See more art, lesson plans, and artist bios in these Summer Intensive Presenter Packets here. Click on the image to see an enlarged version, and read the description.
Royce Vaughn, Frederick Douglass, African American abolitionist (1817-1895) whose powerful “Narrative of the Life of Frederick Douglass” vividly described the dehumanization of slavery.
Royce Vaughn, George Washington Carver, African American agriculturist (1864-1943) dedicated to soil improvement and crop diversification — including soybeans, sweet potatoes and, of course, peanuts!
Summer Intensive Field Trip to Royce Harris Vaughn’s Home and Studio Judy Vaughn, widow of African American artist Royce Vaughn with DaNae Landrum CA Lawyers for the Arts Intern 2014 Summer Intensive
Royce Vaughn, Booker Taliaferro Washington, African American educator (1856-1915), founder of Tuskegee Institute emphasizing industrial training and means of self respect and economic independence
Royce Vaughn, Ralph Johnson Bunche, First African American (1907-1971) to be a division head in the U. S. Department of State. Awarded the Nobel Peace Prize as principal Secretary of the United Nations Palestine Commission in 1950.